
value one holding GmbH

Am grünen Prater 2, A-1020 Wien
Tel +43-1-217 12-0 |

CEO: Mag. Michael Griesmayr
Company's seat: Vienna
Registered office: Vienna
Registered under: FN 241221 m
VAT identification number: ATU 57435555

value one holding GmbH offers no guarantee that the information provided on this website is up-to-date, correct or complete. Furthermore, no guarantee is offered as to the availability or operation of this website and its content.

value one holding AG reserves the right to amend and supplement the information provided here without prior notice. value one holding AG accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, or other loss or damage as well as consequential loss or damage of any kind that may result for any reason from the use or unavailability of the data and information contained on this website. This website and its content are subject to copyright laws and other legislation governing the protection of intellectual property. The user agrees to be bound by the provisions of such legislation. In particular, data and information may be duplicated for personal use and information purposes only. Any modification, falsification, duplication or any other use of this data and information is expressly forbidden.

Business purpose: Investment management

 Member of: WKO Vienna, Austrian Association of Real Estate Trustees, the Austrian Society for Sustainable Real Estate Management

 Professional law: Trade regulations, access:

Supervisory authority/trade authority: Municipal District Office for the 2nd/20th District of Vienna

Occupational title: Real estate trustee, limited to real estate broker, without authorization for credit brokering

State of conferral: Austria

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Webdesign © by valantic Austria
Content strategy & copy writing © by valantic Austria
valantic Austria GmbH
Gusswerk Halle 6
Söllheimerstraße 16
A-5020 Salzburg, Austria